Saturday, November 10, 2012

Reminder: Practicing is only one tool to improve musically

dont get me wrong. you have to practice ALOT!!! but you also learn through : listening to music, masterclasses, lessons, ear training, life, going out and experiencing life, let life inspire your work and music, you learn through discussions with friends, listening and watching music and lectures and practically anything on youtube, get inspired through art and liturature and every kinds of work, let your thoughts and mind and private ponders grow you, journal, read books, take needed breaks, go out and watch concerts, learn a different instrument, play what you know on a different instrument, compose, Overall, find inspiration from God. This list still goes on...

let life inspire you. leave room to grow and change. enjoy, learn, absorb,

Monday, October 1, 2012

build your solos in textures

wes montgomry does this by single notes to octaves to chordsmy piano friend tim gave me this advice.. example: when he solo, he starts with more lagato and long note lines (it has space, simple melodic material that is thought in broader picture than just measure to measure.) then he goes into shout chorus and then chordal solo until it climax to the end of his solo.

Dont Practice Soloing... Practice arranging

dont just practice solo ideas.... take the ideas and arrange over tunes... for if you practice this way, the ideas you learn will have more continuity!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

what follows is part of the talk Karl Paulnack (boston conservatory) gave to the freshman class and their parents when he welcomed them to the conservatory.

"The responsibility I will charge your sons and daughters with is this:

'If we were

a medical school, and you were here as a med student practicing appendectomies, you'd take your work very seriously because you would imagine that some night at two AM someone is going to waltz into your emergency room and you're going to have to save their life. Well, my friends, someday at 8 PM someone is going to walk into your concert hall and bring you a mind that is confused, a heart that is overwhelmed, a soul that is weary. Whether they go out whole again will depend partly on how well you do your craft.

You're not here to become an entertainer, and you don't have to sell yourself. The truth is you don't have anything to sell; being a musician isn't about dispensing a product, like selling used cars. I'm not an entertainer; I'm a lot closer to a paramedic, a firefighter, a rescue worker. You're here to become a sort of therapist for the human soul, a spiritual version of a chiropractor, physical therapist, someone who works with our insides to see if they get things to line up, to see if we can come into harmony with ourselves and be healthy and happy and well.

Frankly, ladies and gentlemen, I expect you not only to master music; I expect you to save the planet. If there is a future wave of wellness on this planet, of harmony, of peace, of an end to war, of mutual understanding, of equality, of fairness, I don't expect it will come from a government, a military force or a corporation. I no longer even expect it to come from the religions of the world, which together seem to have brought us as much war as they have peace. If there is a future of peace for humankind, if there is to be an understanding of how these invisible, internal things should fit together, I expect it will come from the artists, because that's what we do. As in the concentration camp and the evening of 9/11, the artists are the ones who might be able to help us with our internal, invisible lives.'